Phone: 510-430-9832

IATSE Local 107 Photograph Submission Guidelines Tutorial
Due to technical limitations, time constraints and labor consideration, all photos to be submitted must follow a uniform standard.



• All photos submitted must be resized to a resolution of 500 width x 375 height.

Some photo resolutions that will scale directly are:

640 x 480    640 divided by 480 = 1.33

800 x 600     800 divided by 600 = 1.33

4032 x 3024    4032 divided by 3024 = 1.33

Note: All of the photos in the next section are examples of the destination resolution of 500 x 375.



• It may be necessary to crop the photo before resizing to maintain the subject to be emphasized. For example:

This is a photo that was directly scaled down from its original without cropping. Its original resolution was 4032 x 3024. You may notice that the photo emphasizes the size of the door and walls compared to the people at this resolution. In its original large format size, the photo looks excellent. In this reduced size that is intended for viewing from a website, the image communicates its message a bit differently.

Resolution: 500 x 375

This is the same photo. The photo has been cropped to put more of an emphasis on the people in the picture while still retaining the spirit of the intent.

Resolution: 500 x 375

Consider that either of these photographs are technically correct, but both photographs communicate a different visual. The second photo is what is currently featured on the website because it serves the narrative in a clear manner. Keep in mind what the intent of the photograph is when resizing to maximize effective communication. Sometimes, a sacrifice will have to be made in order to meet size constraints.  Use your best taste and judgment.

• When cropping, maintain a 1.33:1 aspect ratio/width to height ratio. This will allow the photo to be directly resized to 500 x 375 (500 divided by 375 = 1.33, 500 is 1.33 times longer than 375. The Width of the image will be 1.33 times longer than the height).

Resolution: 500 x 375

Here are some image scaling applications:


Note: For those out there that are new to the term aspect ratio, aspect ratio is a fancy name for the formula that expresses dimensions of a square or rectangle. A 1:1 aspect ratio is a perfect square. Anytime the two numbers are not the same, the shape becomes a rectangle. The more of a difference there is between the two numbers, the longer the rectangle.

For example: 

A $20 bill has an aspect ratio of 7:3 or 2.33 : 1

It is 1 part tall and 2.33 parts long. If the $20 bill was 1 inch tall, it would be 2.33 inches long. If it were a foot tall, it would be 2.33 feet long. An aspect ratio exists regardless of a quantifiable size and can be used to scale things bigger and smaller while maintaining accurate proportions.

2.33 aspect ratio

Resolution: 500 x 214

1.33 Aspect Ratio

Resolution: 500 x 375

(Note: this is a depiction of the concept of a 1.33:1 aspect ratio. The depicted example resolution of 500 x 375 is not to scale, but the image itself is to scale with a resolution of 500 x 375.)

You may notice that even though the width of the two previous images is the same, their height is not. If they were placed side by side, they would not group together well on a webpage. The intent of setting this standard for photo submissions is to maintain a uniform standard of presentation.



• All Photographs submitted must be in JPG, JPEG or PNG format.
• For the sake of timely navigation/webpage page loading speed, photos should not exceed 500 Kilobytes in size.


Photo Credits / Stamping / Watermarking

• After resizing, if a photo credit is desired or needs to be sited, stamp the photograph in the bottom left or right corner with the name. Note that if the photo is stamped before resizing, the stamp will reduce in size and may not be legible.

• Please use Arial font with a font size no smaller than 16 points. Use a font color that easily distinguishes the text from the photograph (white or black, if possible). If needed, use enhanced text outlines/stroke, drop shadow and/or enclose the photo credit text inside of a bounding box to increase definition and legibility.

In this example, drop shadow was used to add definition to the photo credit in the lower right corner.

Here is an example of Drop shadow:

You may notice that the text in the example has color behind it to simulate the appearance of a shadow. This color acts as a buffer or layer between the text and the background, which gives it extended definition. If used strategically, the drop shadow can add definition to a caption in a photo. 

In addition, drop shadow is not limited to black but can be any color. 

Drop shadow can also be applied to shapes as well as text.

Here are examples of text in a bounding box:


Here is how text in a bounding box can enhance a caption:

Here are some examples of text outline/stroke effects:

You may notice that this text has an outline around it which gives it definition from the image behind it.:



• It is good practice to save a copy of the photo that you are working on and rename it accordingly. This prevents editing of the original photo in the event that a mistake is made. This will also allow you to revert back to the original if the changes made are inadequate. Make as many copies as necessary to allow for experimentation of different crops and text options.

• Save your work often!

• Tip: It may be helpful to create a naming scheme for versioning of your work on a photograph. This will allow you to backtrack to a saved state in case a mistake was made or the direction of the work has changed in scope.


Submission Naming Scheme

• Rename the photograph file name and append the first and last name of the person submitting it, followed by the date of submission, followed by its number in the sequence if the photograph is part of a collection (start with two leading zeros, ie 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, etc). If there is only one photo, the sequence number can be left out. Use camel case to delineate names.

The file names should appear like this:


LastName  FirstName  DateOfSubmission SequencePosition Photo Title Extension?


Example of a sequential submission of photos:


Here is the naming scheme with spaces added:


    Evans Jon 2021 02 24 001 Logo Red  .png

    Evans Jon 2021 02 24 002 Logo Blue  .png

    Evans Jon 2021 02 24 003 Logo Orange  .png

    Evans Jon 2021 02 24 004 Gear  .png

    Evans Jon 2021 02 24 005 Loading Dock .png

    Evans Jon 2021 02 24 006 City Hall March  .png


Here is how the submissions should appear with no spaces:








Example of a single photograph:




Here is how the submissions should appear with no spaces as they are to be received by the website team:








Example of a single photograph:





• Photos not meeting the requirements above may be subject to rejection.

• For advanced users:  Any visual works that are not merely photographic captures must be flattened with no embedded layers.

• Please send photograph submissions to :

Page Last Updated: Oct 12, 2022 (13:16:07)
Contact Info
IATSE Local 107
303 Hegenberger Road Suite 204
Oakland, CA 94621

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